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How to Select Mobile Keywords

Closeup Of Hands Of Young Man In Checkered Shirt Using Mobile Phone While His Partners Arguing

October 3, 2018 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360

Living, breathing, interacting, and conducting our businesses in a mobile-first world puts us face-to-face with numerous benefits, but also with a few challenges, especially when it comes to perfectly understanding the key to developing a fruitful customer-business mobile relationship. Driving growth in a mobile-first world means adapting strategies not only to customer necessities, but also to the environment in which businesses choose to interact with them.

Essential Aspects of Mobile Marketing Campaigns

Mobile technologies offer all companies, regardless of size, sector, or structure abundant possibilities to cater to customers in need. It is the way these companies choose to implement it that makes all the difference, giving them a competitive edge or contributing to a fall.

What Are The Basics for Using Mobile Capabilities to Your Advantage?

  • Giving your customers the possibility to opt-in to a text subscription
  • Creating mobile-friendly codes, coupons, and special offers
  • Optimizing your email marketing for mobile
  • Conducting researches, redesigning marketing materials, and optimizing sales funnel to better suit mobile needs
  • Perfecting the use of mobile keywords

Today, we are going to focus on that last one, and talk about how to select mobile keywords that are not only tailored to fit your company’s needs and those of your customers, but that can also give you the competitive edge everyone is aiming for. Mobile keywords that go above and beyond, all the while being simple, elegant, and trustworthy.

Why are mobile keywords imperative to all mobile marketing strategies?

Whether mobile or traditional, keywords have become the master tools of any marketing strategy, whether we are talking about using a #hashtag in social media in order to target a certain audience, or purchasing a mobile keyword to interact with your customers. Everyone is talking about them, everyone is using them on a daily basis, but not everyone knows what exactly is a keyword, and why it holds such power over marketing strategies. Etymology-wise, things are simple: we are dealing with a word that is key for the success of whatever we are using it. But are keywords flexible? Can we use a synonym? Will people recognize our keyword if we choose to spell it differently? What exactly about mobile keywords makes them so important?

Keywords are used in interactions. Interactions between friends. Interactions between companies and customers. Between social media networks and their users. Between social causes and those adhering to them. Yet keywords are processed purely by technology. By machines, to put it lightly. Thus, you cannot use a keyword and its synonym, a keyword and its alternative spelling, a keyword and other words you think are interconnected. Returning to mobile keywords, in their case, it is even more vital to get it right; not only because machines process it and you want to get the best results, but also because being mobile gives them a special status when it comes to how clients interact with them.

How to Select Mobile Keywords and Perfect Your Marketing Strategies

Always Limit Your Keyword to One Word

Although keywords can consist in more than one word, coming up with a one-word mobile keyword is ideal. It helps you keep things simple, it’s eliminates the possibility of being entered erroneously by your customer, and helps the machine that is processing it know what group is the keyword targeting. If you must have a two-word keyword, make sure to purchase both the option with the space between the words, and the one without. For example, if your keyword is AUTUMN SALES, then you should purchase ‘AUTUMN SALES’ and ‘AUTUMNSALES’ so that you can be covered in case the customers will send it without a space.

Your Mobile Keyword Should Be Short

Keep in mind that your customers will be typing it on a mobile phone, perhaps in a loud environment, while on a hurry, or from a device with a peculiar keyboard layout. Don’t make your keyword something like ‘for a chance to enter our special sales text I’M IN to 4931” – no one will even consider reading it. A short keyword will guarantee you a better ROI.

On the other hand, if you plan on gathering more information than just a keyword from your customers, make sure you have them place the keyword first in the text message. However, don’t ask for too much information. You run the risk of people making mistakes in their text, or of them not going through the trouble of sending a longer text.

Never Use Special Characters for Your Mobile Keyword

Special characters have a significant flaw: they are extremely difficult to find on mobile phone keyboards. Using one or more in your mobile keyword will increase the chance of your customers having a hard time sending it, or even giving up before they’ve entered your campaign. So as fun – and sometimes clever – it may seem, keep special characters for other types of marketing.

Don’t Get Stuck Trying to Come Up with a Clever Keyword

While clever keywords are commendable, they don’t always work in a mobile environment. Coming up with a clever keyword might mean making a reference to something else or combining words and characters, thus confusing your customers. It is best to stick to a simple, clean, easy to use mobile keyword.

Find a Mobile Keyword That is Easy to Remember

Everyone has a mobile phone, but you cannot guarantee that at the time and place customers see your keyword, they will have their phone at hand. This means you need to purchase a keyword that is easy to remember in minutes or hours from when people first interacted with it. An easy-to-remember mobile keyword bursts your chance at a successful mobile marketing strategy, regardless of your goals.

Consider Taking Advantage of Predictive Text

Since we are talking about a mobile keyword, and almost all mobile phones come with the predictive text function, it might be a good idea to choose a predictive text word. This will save your clients time when entering it, and write off typing errors.

There you have it, the most important things to consider for your text message marketing strategy, from why to implement one, to how to select a mobile keyword. Keep these in mind for your next campaigns and the results will not hesitate in showing. Don’t forget that mobile marketing campaigns are all about creating and supporting a clean, express, and straightforward relationship with customers, so make sure that your marketing team always factors that in.

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